Energy Independence

Energy Independence

There is a huge shift in how we as a species leverage energy, we have understood that it is not without its limits and it does affect our climate. 

The good thing is that we have many ways of storing energy, not only batteries, and one of those options would be hydrogen gas. 

If we take the perspective of harvesting energy and storing it, we have many similarities with a traditional grain farmer, including seasons and markets. That is where we start exploring but it is equally interesting for haulers and other fleets where they can manage their own energy without being dependent of other sources, like government and energy companies.  

Can a farm be self-sufficent?

When running a farm you need electricity, fuel, food and shelter to live sustainably. Today, most of these things are provisioned externally even if it is most often fully possible to generate or grow directly on the farm. 

This farm will try to challenge this!

This is an article in Swedish from Naturskyddsförening explaining the use of hydrogen gas. Link 

This is a report from SLU, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, showing that it can be done! Link 

With gratitude to professor Leif Nyholm at The Ångströmslaboratory, making me aware that it existed.

The Vision

We aim to provide our market with a reliable energy harvesting, storage and utilization solution,
where customers avoid the risks of rapid technological change, and suppliers find a stable market for their products.

We will ensure the concept's longevity and public acceptance addressing legal issues and collaborating with the government to maximize community benefits.

Energy provisioning

Energy is needed to keep houses warm, machines running and vehicles ready. Below is an outline on how to possibly manage this without being connected to the powergrid and/or needing diesel or petrol. 

Solar Energy

Solar energy is perfect, as long as it is available!

That is not the case in Sweden and to make it worse, it is not really needed when it is available. The approach we want to try, is to generate hydrogen continously when the sun is producing energy. The produced hydrogen is then stored for future use or for sale.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is perfect, as long as it is available!

Wind energy and Solar energy are often opposites in when they are available.

Additionally, there are a number of energy sources that can be leveraged when available. hat is not the case in Sweden and to make it worse, it is not really needed when it is available. The approach we want to try, is to generate hydrogen continously when the energy is available. The produced hydrogen is then stored for future use or for sale.

Energy losses in conversion

One of the main problems when harvesting energy is that there are losses in conversions and they are not necessarily small.

We recognize that losses exist and we work towards removing them BUT the way we work there is no extra costs related to the losses as there is continuous generation. 

An Electrolyzer splits water to hydrogen and oxygen using energy

An electrolyzer (also spelled “electrolizer”) is a device that uses electrical energy to drive a chemical reaction, typically the process of electrolysis. The most common use of an electrolyzer is to split water (H₂O) into its basic components: hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂), by applying an electrical current. This is called water electrolysis.

Here’s how it works:

Water (H₂O) is introduced into the electrolyzer.

When an electric current is applied, it causes the water molecules to split into hydrogen gas at the cathode and oxygen gas at the anode.

The hydrogen produced through this process is considered “green hydrogen” if the electricity used is from renewable sources (like solar or wind). This makes electrolyzers an important part of clean energy systems, especially in industries aiming to decarbonize, like transportation and heavy manufacturing.

There are different types of electrolyzers, such as alkaline electrolyzers, proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, and solid oxide electrolyzers, each with specific operating conditions and efficiency characteristics.

Energy Storage


Batteries are evolving at a rapid pace and will be a part of the solution. There will be a multitude of options.


Hydrogen can be stored without loosing the energy to be used. It can also be sold or bought to manage demand over the year. 

It is a very volatile gas which will require extra attention when storing safely. 

Energy Usage

Energy to leverage

When needed, the hydrogen can be used by a fuel cell to generate electricity. It could be separate power cells to generate electric for further use, or it can be used in vehicles driven by hydrogen gas. Those vehicles are typically more heavy equipment like work vehicles used on a farm in the forrest or fields, or transportation vehicles like heavy lorries especially by haulers.

The producer itself will off course be able to leverage electricity generated but it should also be available for electric cars and electric farm vehicles and electric tools. 

Manufacturers have fuelcells that can be used on a farm to generate electricity with only water as waste. 

You even have examples from the air. Link 

Energy in the community is the European federation of energy communities.

We are a growing network of 2.250 energy communities from across Europe and their 1.500.000 citizens who are active in the energy transition. members apply the 7 cooperative principles in their daily practice

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, MSB, stärker samhället i att förebygga och hantera olyckor, kriser och konsekvenser av krig. Vi värnar människors liv och hälsa, samhällets funktionalitet och grundläggande värden som demokrati, rättssäkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter. Högt förtroende och nära samarbete med aktörerna gör att vi lyckas.

Rules & Regulations

Having farms being fully self-sufficient means less income for the government and many others.

It will not be looked at possitively to start off with but we need to find out where the kinks are and adress them!

Let's work together!

These ideas are not necessarily new, but has not been tested in small scale for farms specifically. We want to try it out live on the farm and want to engage others to join, learn and evolve the ideas.

With support from professor Leif Nyholm at The Ångströmslaboratory.

Concept realization Project

The image is copied from the paper Elbilen which contained this in an article ( Link ) We would like to use this as a starting point to design our own approach.

Harvesting energy ( The Crop )

At the pilot site we have solar panels producing electricity.

Storing energy ( The Barn )

At the pilot site we have energy storage.

We are working on providing photos from actual site

Björn Lundin

Solar & Wind energy

Hydrogen Gas & Batteries


Using energy ( The Eaters )

We are working with partners to make sure energy is available for them, such as golf carts, cars and heavy machinery.

Electricity & Hydrogen
